Curricular Aspects
Crieterian I pertains to the practices of an Institute in initating a wide range of programs options and courses that are in tune with the immerging national, global trends and relevant to the needs.
Criterion I
Teaching Learning and Evaluation
Citerian II pertains to the efforts of an Institute to serve students of differnet backgrounds and abilities, through effctive teaching-learning experiences.
Criterion II
Research, Innovations and Extensions
This criterion seeks information on the policies, practices and outcomes of the Institute, with reference to research, innovations and extensions.
Criterion III
Infrastructure and Learing Resouces
This criterion seeks the adequacy and optimal use of the facilities available in an Institute are essential to maintain the quality of academic and cocurricular and extra curricular activities on the campus
Criterion IV
Students Support and Progression
The highlights of these criterion V are the efforts are an institute to provide necessary assistants to students, to unable them to aquire meaningful experiences for learing at the campus and to facilitied their holistic development and progression
Criterion V
Governance, Leadership and Management
Effective functioning of an Institute can be gauged by the policies and practices it has evolved in the matter of planning human resources, recruitments, training, perfomace appraisal, financial management and overall roll of the leadership.
Criterion VI
Institutional Values and Best Practices
Every institute has a mandate to be responsive to at leasts a few pressing issues such as gender equity and environmental conciousness and sustanability, inclusiveness and professional ethics. In order to be relevant in changing national and global contacts.
Criterion VII
Extended Profile
Staff Approval