Sansthamata Sushiladevi Salunkhe Girls Hostel

This hostel is located in the college campus. There is separate three stairs building with twenty-one well furnished rooms and dining hall. The accommodation capacity of the hostel is eighty girls.
a. Hostel Admission: Here, students take admissions from various places as Sangli, Satara, Kolhapur and Sholapur districts for different U.G and P.G courses, research and Ph.D.
b. Facilities in the hostel:
1. Mess: The hostel provides well balanced, nutritious vegetarian food at reasonable rates. Management allows the Tiffin from outside, if girls prefer.
2. Room facilities: 3-4 girls are accommodated in a room. The room is furnished with the needed furniture. There is Solar Plant installed to facilitate hot water.
3. Study hall: There is study hall which provides service for 24 hours and girls study their own books.
4. Entertainment: A television set is provided to fulfil entertainment.
5. Newspapers: Sakaal, Loksatta and Times of India are provided daily.
c. Other activities:
1. Fresher programme: Post admissions, there is a programme arranged for girls.
2. Health Centre: Guest lecturers of Doctors are arranged and routine check up is conducted after every six months including haemoglobin and blood tests.
3. Yoga camps are arranged as per girls’ request.
4. Festival celebration: Girls celebrate festivals post the prior permission of Principal and the rector.
5. Attendance is taken every night at 8 pm.
d. Hostel Staff: There is a Rector and a Warden with family serving 24 hours. Management is maintained efficiently.